Why should you automate and barcode your sale?

Need to simplifiy your life and balance your sale and you family?

Need more Resources to Grow Your Sale?

Tired of Sorting all those tags?

Are you tired of the burnout after the sale?

Still living in the fog that clouds every area of your life during sale season?

MyCM creates a resource for your sale that money can't buy: more time. MyCM automates your sale, absolutely transforming every element of sale management and preparation. Automating eliminates the manpower needed to perform such items as: registration, scheduling of check in by phone/email, scheduling of volunteers by phone/email, and sorting and calculation of tags.


  • Automating with MyCM saves you AND your volunteers hours of time across all areas of your sale (registration, volunteer scheduling, check-in scheduling, follow-up communication to sellers and seller reconciliation, mailing list data-entry, etc.)
  • Automating with MyCM will save your sellers hours of time and provide you with more items at your sale. It will save your sellers at least 50-60% of their time versus manually entering in their items. In addition, they will have more items to sell and will make more profit. They can also reuse their tags from season to season without having to retag their items
  • Automating with MyCM can eliminate the hours spent on data entering new seller information, volunteer information and your mailing list data
  • Options to collect registration fees upfront from Paypal, which will reduce in having to handle sellers that do not show up at your sale


  • Automating with MyCM eliminate data-entry or requiring your webmaster to create forms on your website to collect participant information - it is all handled with the MyCM system
  • Automating with MyCM your database management system allows you to utilize MyCM as an email marketing tool, instead of purchasing it separately.
  • Automating with MyCM significantly reduces cashier error, which is a cause of lost money
  • Automating with MyCM eliminates the need to spend money on postage to mail out checks - seller's profits can be handed out at check-out


  • Automating with MyCM makes it easier to find volunteers (you can disperse the workload over many different volunteers, each position is easy to manage and practically paperless. It makes it easier to delegate different positions: volunteer scheduling
  • Automating with MyCM provides the appearance to your participants that your sale is organized, up to date and fresh with the times, efficient and financially accurate
  • Automating with MyCM captures important data that would have otherwise been totally lost. This data allows you to benefit from more efficient planning, marketing, organizing and growing the profits of your sale (i.e. referral reports, item count reports to plan your floor, daily tally reports of totals and number of transactions,e tc.)


  • Automating with MyCM provides more resources - less volunteers required; can reallocate the volunteers to perform more valuable tasks
  • Automating with MyCM creates an environment to easily transition to new volunteers or partners - whether you are bringing on new employees or handing off the position in a non-profit organization, transitioning responsibilities is a breeze with our system


  • Automating with MyCM saves you money (reducing cashier errors, reducing volunteer errors as profits are manually calculated)
  • Automating with MyCM helps you to be more profitable (sellers have time to tag more items because they have more time to tag, you will see your sale grow because of word of mouth on how easy it is, you can handle more sellers without having to hire help.


  • Automating with MyCM will provide you with more sellers over time because they will have such a pleasant experience that they will be back for another season and will tell their friends how easy it is to consign. Plus, if you live in an area where there are other sales, MyCM will actually bring new sellers to your sale.
  • Automating with MyCM helps you to grow your sale (your sellers come back because participating could never be easier, they tell others how easy it is to consign their items, MyCM often will bring you sellers because our reputation, less turnover because participating is easy and fun!, allows you to spend more time on marketing and promoting your sale instead of handling all of the ‘details', free advertising on the MyCM website


  • Reduces theft because all tags are preprinted
  • Minimizes cashier error with automated checks and balances built into to the system, as well as having uniform, TYPED tags
  • Allows for easier tagging for your sellers - provides more money to you and to them because electronic tagging allows them to have more time to tag more items then before - statistics show that your sale will have more items with the same number of sellers when you barcode
  • Eliminates hours of wasted time spent sorting, tallying and calculating of tags
  • Capturing multiple pieces of information for the database, that would have otherwise been totally lost.
  • Provides for a professional, organized atmosphere for your both your sellers and buyers
  • Sellers will come back, because it was so ‘easy' AND they will tell others about how easy it was